Should I fear from you or love you!
December 5, 2022
Fear has shifted
December 9, 2022‘But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.’ (Galatians 4:45, ESV)
Christmas is a wonderful time of year for many, but for those of us who follow Christ, the real wonder is Jesus’ arrival on earth, marking the beginning of God’s plan of redemption. Let’s take a moment to thank Jesus for all He did in coming to earth two thousand years ago.
A message of hope
Christmas is ultimately a message of hope to all who are lost and wandering. Hope was born with Christ, the Savior of the world. Praise God that, because of your generous prayers and donations, this message goes out to thousands of people, each month, across the Middle East and North Africa.
Many of our contacts feel unable to overcome the difficult circumstances they find themselves in. We thank God for every message and call we receive, providing us with opportunities to help people break free from oppressive thoughts and negative patterns of behavior.
Fear has shifted
Manel* is in her late thirties and lives in Algeria. As a new believer, she says that having faith has greatly changed her life.

‘It shifted my fear, darkness, and depression into comfort, light, peace, and joy,’ she shares. ‘A faith in which I experienced the true God and His love and fatherhood.’
Manel is in daily contact with a member of our follow-up team. She has joined a discipleship group and is keen to get baptized.
Bring hope to more lives
We have been in one-on-one contact with thousands of people this year, planting, watering, and harvesting. It is a joy to do God’s work, but we can’t do this alone.
Could you make a donation today and bring hope to more lives over the coming year?
Here is how your gift could be used…
US$20 could cover the cost of providing discipleship to an isolated believer.
US$30 could cover help an underground church reach their community.
US$50 could provide technology to share the Gospel more effectively.
I want to support Miracle Connect.
Happy Christmas
We want to end by wishing you all a joyful Christmas and a very happy New Year. We pray that you may experience the real wonder of the birth of our Savior, who came so that we might be called sons and daughters of God.
*Name changed to protect identity