The power of prayer
March 21, 2021Finding faith on a mountain
May 24, 2021Today we want to introduce you to our colleague and brother in Christ, Abdel* who is part of our follow up team…
At one time Abdel followed the religion of his birth and country, Morocco. He came to faith in Christ in 1999 after a long journey of searching for the truth.
Abdel’s favourite part of the Bible is Acts, because it is still being lived out now, by us, and particularly by those who are experiencing hardship and difficulties because of their faith.
Abdel says, ‘Acts is the beginning of the church, but it’s not the end. We are completing Acts.’
Challenges in a pandemic
As you can imagine, Abdel spends a lot of time on his phone, listening and talking with those who want to share their views or who have questions about the Christian faith. In fact, when we launched our Moroccan phone number, Abdel was the first person to answer.
He would also normally meet up with people to encourage and disciple them, but coronavirus has made this difficult. Thankfully, though, there are ways to keep in touch remotely, and discipleship groups have been working well.
I was a fanatic
When I got in touch with Miracle Connect, it was always to argue. I was a fanatic, defending my beliefs and accusing the Bible of being corrupt. I did not believe in Christ being God incarnate.
Someone at Miracle Connect suggested that I read the Bible, which I did with a critical mindset. My heart opened up and I prayed to accept Jesus as my personal Savior.
We still talk regularly, but I look forward to meeting face to face.
(Hamza*, Morocco)
Serious threats
People can be quite hostile when they call our team, sometimes making serious threats. A while back, this happened to Abdel, making his family quite fearful.
For a time Abdel took a step back from doing follow up, but we praise God that this was short lived because he loves doing what he does and is very gifted.
Please lift Abdel up as well as his family. Praise God that they are accepting of his faith and pray that they will all be saved.
Accepted as they are
One of the things Abdel loves about Miracle Connect is that people are accepted as they are. ‘Miracle Connect is where you take people to you, to adopt them, to take care of them, to understand them.’
Abdel says that because of his background he can understand why people get angry and make threats. ‘It’s not about preaching to people. It’s more to bring them to you. We are just planting, but God is the one who completes His work.’
Pray for God’s business
Pray for Abdel and his ministry, giving thanks for the skills and gifts he uses for God’s business. Pray also for his own fellowship group, which needs to find a place where they can meet to worship, pray, and be together without scrutiny. He would also like to see more discipleship groups formed.
Please consider making a one-time or regular donation to help fund the cost of vital staff like Abdel.