A gift from the Lord
March 8, 2021Living out Acts
April 22, 2021Prayer is absolutely fundamental to the work Miracle Connect does. It keeps us in line with God’s will, protects the members of our team, and transforms the lives of the people we love and serve. We also pray and give thanks for our supporters.
Here’s a great example of how we’ve seen prayer making a difference in a person’s life…
My prayers had been answered
Selma* in Libya came to us in desperation. After four years of marriage, she couldn’t get pregnant, even after fertility treatment.
I used to think God was behind all this but couldn’t understand why. Why would he make me suffer physically and mentally?
Friends told Selma to read the Qur’an, but when this made no difference, she looked to Miracle Connect. Through our team, she learned about Jesus, the healer, who answers our prayers when we ask.
I hadn’t known all this before and wasn’t sure at first, but we had many long discussions, which were helpful. I came to understand who Jesus is, how to accept Him and how to pray in His name.
Selma was in touch with a female member of our follow up team, who told Selma that she fully believed she would have children.
At this point, I wasn’t fully convinced, but we prayed. Ten days later, I got a positive result from a pregnancy test. I was overwhelmed with joy and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My prayers had been answered. I was pregnant!
Selma knew this was an answer to prayer and was finally convinced that the God of the Bible is real. She has now put her trust in Him and wants to know more about what it means to follow Christ.
A simple thank you
We’re really grateful for any time you can give to cover our ministry in prayer. It makes such a difference—thank you so much.
If you want to get more involved, sign up to receive our monthly emails or make a one-time donation.
* Name changed to protect identity