Arab youth connects with God
March 9, 2012
New season of questions are bringing Muslims to Christ
March 30, 2012A large number of our viewers live in cities and villages where it is hard for them to obtain a copy of the bible. This is particularly true if they are Muslims. As a result, many of our viewers ask Miracle Channel for a bible after they have watched our programs and have become interested in the gospel.
– We will try to send a bible to countries where it is possible, but not everywhere is this safe. This means that we send out at least 200-300 bibles every month. We believe that the best thing is to have a real bible of your own, but for many viewers their other option is to read it online on our website, explains our follow-up office. Miracle Channel’s Arabic website provides the bible online as well as other Christian literature and hundreds of our programs on demand.
Please consider supporting Miracle Channel’s ministry in the Arab world with a donation.