I was raped by a religious man, but the love of Christ healed me
July 18, 2022
Prayer with thanksgiving
July 18, 2022My name is Mahmoud Ramadan, I am an Egyptian man, nearly 30 years old. I have always been having a burning question about Jesus’ identity. Was Jesus only a prophet or more than a prophet?
One day, I coincidentally found this Christian ad on Miracle’s page. It drew my attention. I navigated so many contents of this page, all of them were new to me and unfamiliar. Through the private inbox chat, I was curious to contact one of the page’s administrators to find an answer to my question.
I felt the attention, love, and care of Miracle page team. Then the one leading the conversation talked to me about Jesus and how great is his love, and salvation. His talk drew me closer to listen to him. By the time this talk brought peace to my mind and filled me with the faith of Jesus. I asked, “what am I need to do to believe in Jesus?”. They replied, “Only ask him, and he will reveal himself to you as to anyone who seeks to know him.” Later, He sent me a prayer to receive deliverance. And I prayed joyfully and enthusiastically. At last, only one big problem remains as an obstacle.
What am I going to do with my family? They told me, “Do not reveal your faith before your family, least even if some do not believe in Christ at this time, they may be won by the conduct of your life in future”.
I asked again, “what to do if they asked me to attend the Mosque’s prayers during Ramdan? They told me, “If you cannot gently beg off, you can still go to the mosque and pray in your heart to Jesus and for people to know Him.” Additionally, he clarified that, “Christianity is all about an intimate relationship between God and the man that is tailor-made and timeless.”
I cannot imagine how this gave me peace of mind. Currently, I pursue my commitment as I joyfully study the Word of God and biblical themes in relation to the Christian faith.