Celebrating 20 years with new believers every day!
August 31, 2017
Persecuted miraculously released
October 29, 2017A new TV- series on Miracle Connect this season highlights the importance of God-centered relationships. The program starts by asking a simple question: Do you get along with other people?
-It’s an essential question because let’s face it; people are everywhere. People are in your family, on your job, in your neighborhood. And the people in your life are not always the way you would like them to be, in fact, many can be pretty annoying, says the host of the new TV-series.
But the program is also about realistic views on relationships.
-You can’t expect to be happy all the time, and you shouldn’t expect either your relationships to be a continuous high. When you make a long-term commitment to someone, you have to be willing to ride the high as well as the lows, together, he says.
Through honest and bold interviews, exciting people share real stories about relationships that are easy to identify with.
-We know that our ability to get along with people greatly impacts the quality of our lives. This is why it’s important to understand how to relate to all kinds of people – not just people who are like us. By talking about these things we also encourage the viewers to face themselves and their relationship with God. That God wants to help us be enthusiastic about loving other people every single day as you do kind and caring things for them.
-These are new thoughts for many people in the Arab region. Many are working so hard just trying to survive the daily grind of life. And there are also severe trust issues and much brokenness in many relationships. So to tell them that God wants us to learn to give of ourselves to others and that there is a profound blessing in this that will chase us down and make it worth it, is news and good news for many people!
Watch live streaming of the channel here
Miracle Connect broadcasts the gospel daily to 400 mill viewers across the Arab region in North Africa, the Gulf, and the Middle East. Every day new viewers contact us with questions about Jesus and the Bible.
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