Anwar in Morocco
September 26, 2022
Mohsin, Morocco
October 17, 2022At Miracle Connect, we often talk about discipleship, but with very good reason: it’s at the core of our ministry. Discipling people, so that they’re growing and walking in a strong, deep-rooted faith, is our heart’s desire—and through this we anticipate the emergence of many more online fellowships.
Speaking my language
‘I was so excited when I started attending the online discipleship group with Miracle Connect,’ writes Mohsin* in Morocco. ‘It was the first time I met with other North Africans speaking my own language and dialect.’

‘We meet once a week for about an hour,’ Mohsin continues. ‘During the meeting, a brother leads a time of worship where we joyfully praise the Lord. Then, we share our prayer requests and pray for one another.’
After this, the group begins to study. Topics covered so far include fear, Jesus’ divinity, and Is God only one or three?
‘I am completely committed to remaining a member of this online group,’ writes Mohsin, ‘and I am looking forward to maturing in faith.’
I want to support Miracle Connect.
Steps on the Road
Mohsin has been taking part in our new discipleship program, Steps on the Road (SOR). Launched two months ago, 24 individuals in three groups are currently taking part.
SOR is an online platform, designed specifically for those seeking the truth. It offers print, audio, and visual based courses in various dialects of Arabic.
New lessons are added periodically—so there’s lots for the spiritually hungry to consume—and each of these ends with a set of questions designed to assess the student’s level of understanding. Additionally, there’s video conferencing so that students can meet, share, and discuss among themselves as well as with an experienced mentor.
The SOR program
Steps on the Road runs over a year, beginning with a month-long introduction to the life of Christ, the body of Christ (church), and the value of discipleship. After this, there are four phases:
Phase one: Students are taught about their new identity and how to maintain a living relationship with God.
Phase two: Students learn about the nature of God, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, and Jesus as a man.
Phase three: Students look at the Word of God, diving into Revelations and Old/New Testament prophecy.
Phase four: Students focus on the meaning of committing one’s life to Christ, the role of spiritual gifts within the church, spiritual warfare, and the armor of God.
Getting involved
There are two ways you can support the wonderful work of Steps on the Road:
- First, you can pray for people like Mohsin, who are currently benefiting from the course, and for more men and women to sign up.
- Second, you can partner with Miracle Connect by making a small donation today! This could go towards paying the costs of running and developing the SOR program.
We send heartfelt thanks to everyone who already prays and gives regularly. You do not know the difference your support makes to our ministry.
The Lord is doing wonderful things in communities across North Africa and the Middle East, and to Him we give the glory!
*Name changed to protect identity