Reaching Arab youth with “Prohibited Questions”
May 21, 2013
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September 20, 2013The real revolution is taking place in the Arab mind and heart. New communities of Jesus followers from Muslim background are blossoming all across the Arab world.
With violent clashes in Egypt over the summer, a civil war raging in Syria and major unsettled issues in Tunisia, Libya and Yemen, many believe that the Arab spring has failed. But this view is at its best premature, and at its worst wrong, reports the Economist in a cover story this summer. Millions of people in this region are not willing to give up their hopes of reform so easily. And neither should they.
A revolution of the hearts
But the real revolution is happening in the Arab heart and mind. This kind of revolution is more powerful than what is taken peacefully or forcefully out on the streets. Lasting change only happens through the transformation of the heart. And the real revolution that is now happening throughout Dar al-Islam—the global house of Islam, involves 1, 6 billion Muslims from West Africa to Indonesia.
“Today, in more than 60 separate locations in at least 17 of the 49 countries where Islam holds sway, new communities of Muslim-background followers of Christ are emerging,” David Garrison writes in his upcoming book “A Wind through the House of Islam”.
“Each of these movements has seen at least 1,000 baptized believers and at least 100 new worshipping fellowships, all of whom have come to Christ over the past two decades. In some countries, the communities have grown to number tens of thousands of new Muslim-background followers of Christ,” David Garrison writes in his book.
While radical Islamist groups are terrorizing the local population in an attempt to stop democratic reforms, an increasing number of Muslims are seeking answers to their problems outside of Islam. Our ground staff in Algeria tells us that they have teams working full time to follow up all their contacts. Their challenge is not to find new Jesus seekers, but to find Christian leaders in the region that can follow them up. This is also one of the reasons why Miracle Channel is investing heavily in leadership training of new believers.
Great Joy
It is a great joy for Miracle Channel to have been allowed a place in this divine movement of Muslims coming to Christ during the last two decades.
Already in the 70’s, Miracle Channel’s Norwegian founder, the late evangelist Dr. Aril Edvardsen, had a vision where God showed him the new world of satellites and spoke to him to get ready to broadcast the gospel to the world’s unreached people groups the day the world monopolies of state television would crumble and fall.
Faithful mission partners were quick to embrace this vision through intercessory prayer and financial support. From a mere half hour a week in 1996, Miracle Channel became a 24 hour channel that is now broadcasting the gospel into every corner of the Arab world. Today, 400 million Arabs can watch our daily broadcasts.
The desert veil is ripping
Miracle Channel believes that the numbers of Jesus-believers in the Arab world are even greater than mentioned above. We believe we are only watching the top of the iceberg. With 18 000 responses from Muslims every month, it is not difficult to discern a great hunger for truth and change in the Muslim world.
A very special thank you to all of you who support and pray for this work. We truly believe that one day the desert veil will rip from top to bottom, and God’s glory will be visible over all the Arab nations.
But while we rejoice in the revolution of the hearts and minds that are leading Arabs to Christ, we also encourage you strongly to pray for these new believers.
Many are suffering greatly for their choice to follow Jesus. Please pray for their protection, provision and guidance. And that their faith in Christ will only grow stronger through the suffering and persecution that has followed most Christian revivals throughout the centuries.
Read more about the muslim awakening here: A wind in the House of Islam
Miracle Channel broadcasts daily to 400 mill. viewers in the Arab world. Every month we hear from thousands of viewers who are interested in knowing more about Christ. Thank you for making a donation to Miracle Channel’s ministry today!