New joy after freedom from traditional taboos
April 12, 2017
Terrified women calling for prayer from Syria
June 17, 2017As possibly one of the first in the world, Miracle Connect is now planting house churches over one of the most used apps in the Arab world.
-We meet daily on WhatsApp, says Miracle Connect’s follow-up office.
Miracle Connect is excited to be in the process of pioneering two house churches on What’s App, one of the most used communication apps in the Arab world. One house church has members from Yemen and Saudi Arabia, and the other from North African countries. Members of these house churches are from a non-Christian background, and live in areas of high persecution where there are no local churches or other believers with to worship.
-Samira from Saudi Arabia wants to study the Bible with us after she became a follower of Jesus. We will read it together and talk about what she doesn’t understand.
The same is true for Gamar from Yemen. He came to faith in Jesus in February through WhatsApp, and he participates in the devotional Bible reading with us, says the follow-up office.
Miracle Connect broadcasts the gospel daily to 400 mill viewers across the Arab region in North Africa, the Gulf, and the Middle East. Every day new viewers contact us with questions about Jesus and the Bible.
By supporting us with a donation today, you can be an active part of bringing the gospel to this region and fulfilling the great commission of Jesus, one life at a time.