A Spiritual Earthquake Beneath the Revolution
February 27, 2013
Veiled women had bible study in Mosque
April 30, 2013When all hope was gone, an Iraqi man was healed from cancer after a supernatural encounter in his hospital room.
It was three o’clock in the afternoon when Samira Jargoun was told by doctors that there was nothing more they could do for her husband, Hissam. Months of chemotherapy and infusions were now coming to an end. The most advanced medical treatments administered at the university hospital in Stockholm had proved to be both painful and useless in his fight against cancer.
“If you have any relatives who want to say goodbye, they should come now”, was the message from the doctors. Soon several family members and friends were gathered around his hospital bed.
Devastating news
Hissam’s and Samira’s life had never been particularly easy. Originally from Iraq, they left their country in 1997 after a life of shaming and persecution. They came to Sweden where their daughter Nada was living. Life there was good for them until February of 2007, when Hissam returned from a trip to Germany with a high fever. The fever would not leave him, and the family brought Hissam to the hospital for a checkup. The results were so depressing that Samira didn’t want her husband to know. Hissam had leukemia.
-I asked the doctors for permission to do this our way, says Samira.
-I didn’t want to talk to my husband about dying or that there was cancer in his blood.
Despite having had a record of good health, Hissam’s high age was a problem for the doctors. They didn’t know if he would survive chemotherapy treatment. But towards the end of 2007 the doctors agreed that he had to start the injections.
-But the treatment was administered in too high doses and it looked like he wouldn’t make it, says Samira.
Even if the family still tried to keep the illness a secret from Hissam, he could read the signs.
He recognized the symptoms as the same of what the Jordanian king Hussein had suffered. -King Hussein also lost the hair on his head and his eyebrows, he observed.
No more hope
But after two months in the hospital the doctors could not offer Hissam any more hope.
-I never thought my father would experience anything like this, says his daughter Nada.
-He couldn’t eat or move. He was weak and his whole body was swollen.
After having done everything that was humanly possible, the family directed their eyes toward heaven. As the family came from a Syrian Orthodox tradition, Father Gerius from the Syrian Orthodox church in Stockholm was called to give Hissam his last communion and prayer.
But Samira had also heard through a friend about an Arabic church in Stockholm that used to pray for the sick. The family decided to contact this church immediately.
The pastor and his wife are also in charge of Miracle Channel’s follow-up work. If fact the fellowship was started as a direct result of the interest Miracle Channel generated for the gospel among Arabs living in Stockholm. They hurried to the hospital to pray for Hissam.
Prayed for his salvation
The pastor says that the first thing that struck him when he saw Hissam was that there was hardly anything left of the man. He was lying in bed, and he was so tiny and weak that he couldn’t move. So his first thought was to ensure Hissam’s eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
-My immediate concern was to make sure that he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior. So I asked him to repeat the prayer for salvation after me.
When Hissam had prayed this prayer, the pastor recalls that he felt a very special peace in the room, and he continued to pray to Jesus for Hissam’s healing.
-When they prayed to God for me, I felt that something came over me, says Hissam.
-I felt like I wanted to get up. It was like a power came over me.
Saw Jesus in a vision
Soon thereafter, the whole family left the hospital. It was three o’clock this same afternoon that the doctors had said that Hissam would not live until the morning. But his wife Samira continued to pray after she came home that evening.
An hour after the family left the hospital room, Hissam suddenly saw Jesus walk into the room.
-He said to me, “rise up.” I answered and said, how can I do that? I can’t move. But Jesus said that I could do it.
Hissam started moving his legs and felt his strength return to his whole body. He called the hospital staff and started telling them in Arabic that he had seen Jesus. But the Swedish doctors didn’t understand a word and called for a Somalian translator that knew Arabic.
At 5:45 a.m. the hospital phoned his family. Samira says that she started shaking from fear when she heard the phone ring. But the doctors said that Hissam was fine and that he wanted the whole family to come to the hospital at once.
The cancer had disappeared
Samira recalls that she was very scared of what would meet them in the hospital. She thought that her husband must have died.
But instead she saw that what the doctors had said was correct. Hissam was well.
– I cried from joy. For two months he hadn’t talked, eaten or moved. He only lay on his back in the bed. But now he was sitting up, talking!
The doctors took more tests. The blood was completely free from cancerous cells.
Samira asked the doctors if they had tried a last minute treatment that could have made him well?
-No, nothing, they said, while shaking their heads.
Hissam is not in doubt.
-This is a miracle. Simply a miracle!
Testifies that Jesus is alive
Hissam was released from the hospital and he received one month of rehabilitation to strengthen his muscles after not having used them for such a long time.
Today he says that he is in better health that ever. He exercises regularly and plays table tennis. He also attends the Arabic church in Stockholm.
-I just want to say that there is real power in Jesus name. I looked death in the eyes. I want young people all over the world to know that there is a living God. Jesus is God’s son and our savior. He lives today and does miracles, Hissam says with confidence.
-His testimony made a strong impression on people in the Arab speaking community in Stockholm, confirms the pastor.
-Many new people are now attending our church, and Hissam’s story has become a great encouragement for many Arabs.
The story of Hissam’s miracle is one of 26 episodes of a television show produced by and for Miracle Channel, called “Hearer of Prayer.”
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