Atheism and Apologetics
May 27, 2022
Habiba, 16, from Egypt
June 15, 2022In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul uses many words to describe what love is and isn’t. Included are patient, kind, not envious, boastful or arrogant, bearing, believing, hoping, and enduring all things (vs 4,7). At Miracle Connect, we need this kind of love to be effective.
Discipleship, as you know, is at the forefront of our ministry, but it requires much more than Bible knowledge and experience. We cannot expect to see people in the Middle East and North Africa walking in faith without loving them the way Paul describes in 1 Corinthians.
A patient friend
‘How sweet it is to live with Christ,’ writes 16-year-old Habiba* from Egypt. But it hadn’t always been that way…

Habiba was depressed and lonely when she first contacted our team. Although she had expressed some interest in Jesus, the words we said about God’s wonderful love and salvation didn’t seem to sink in as we’d hoped. Despite this, a member of our follow-up team loved and cared for Habiba, regularly keeping in touch to ask how she was doing.
After some time, Habiba decided to make contact again. And though she expected the responder to be angry with her for ignoring all those messages, Habiba was surprised by her response…
‘She kept showing her love, support, and encouragement,’ writes Habiba. ‘This opened the door widely before me to ask those questions that I could not answer myself.
‘Though knowing the answers to my questions brought other concerns about how to apply those principles to my life, the Miracle team took me on a journey of discipleship through which I discovered the true God.’
The loving friendship of our responder helped Habiba to understand the Bible more clearly. She says, ‘I am blessed to know this patient friend.’
Give a small donation today to help fund our follow-up team.
Discipleship overview
We give thanks that between January and May 2022:
- 308 people received one-on-one discipleship
- 249 people continued their discipleship journey (one-on-one and group based)
- 87 people began discipleship for the first time
- 4 online and in-person discipleship groups were launched in Tunisia and Algeria
Pray for these men and women to have deep roots of faith and be fruitful.
A deeper well
We really need and value your prayers. Pray for strong faith and perseverance, for wisdom and discernment. Pray for an even deeper well of love for each person we care for, especially when the ground seems too dry.
If you haven’t previously given, please consider partnering with us today by making even a small donation.
*Name changed to protect identity