Please pray for Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt
January 31, 2011
Live broadcast with Muslims and Christians a big hit
February 24, 2011For the past three days Miracle Channel’s broadcasts on NileSat has been jammed, most likely from sources in Libya, we are told. Please pray that the broadcasts will resume.
– We are told that our channel on NileSat has been jammed, and they believe the source of the blocking comes from Libya, says the CEO of Miracle Channel.
– This is not good news as we have many viewers in this region who are following our broadcasts. Many of them are scared and very worried about the upheavals taking place and are calling us for prayer for their families and their countries.
Jamming can happen through other channels on the same satellite that overpower their frequencies with too strong signals, and thereby jam or disturb frequencies close to them. The attack may not be aimed directly at Miracle Channel, but could also be an attempt to block other news channels on the same satellite from reporting the events taking place.
Libya is one of the countries that Miracle Channel reaches through its 24 hour broadcasts. Viewers in Libya who contact us often report of feeling lonely and isolated. Several of our viewers in Libya say that it is the first time they have been exposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
– This is very unfortunate because it means that a large number of regular viewers in North Africa, the Middle East and the Gulf countries are not able to see our broadcasts. Our other satellite fee on Hotbird runs as normal, as well as our live streaming on the internet. But this is a reminder that there is literally a war going on over the airspace, and that we really need intercessory prayer for our channel and all the people who are involved in this ministry, says the CEO of the channel.
In 2010 Miracle Channel received 3888 viewer responses from Libya alone. Viewers who contact us will receive personal follow up and counseling.
Ahmed from Libya:
“I am 24 years old and I watch Miracle Channel on NileSat. I am very happy that I am able to watch you on NileSat; otherwise I would not be able to receive your programs. I would like to get to know the person of Christ. Can someone show me how? Please answer me; this is very urgent and important to me.”
A young man from Libya:
“I am a young man from Libya and I have watched your programs for a long time. I am very inspired and encouraged and I think the Christian faith is beautiful. If I lived in a western country it would be easy for me to accept Christ. But Libya has no Christians except for foreigners. How can I receive Jesus? Please answer me.”
Please pray for our broadcasts that they will resume as normal on NileSat, and for our many viewers who are struggling with very difficult circumstances in their lives right now.