Arab girl saw Jesus in a dream
April 4, 2014Man from Syria changed by mysterious dream
May 2, 2014How Jesus is transforming lives this Easter in the Middle East and North Africa.
Most of the lives transformed live in nations that have declared war on the gospel through persecution and strict anti-Christian laws.
Yet God’s passionate love reaches beyond borders, tribes, cultural identity and religion to bring salvation and restoration to individuals and families. Every single month Miracle Channel engages with tens of thousands of Arab viewers through our follow up offices, social networks and online discipleship. They are seeking help from the one true source that has been denied them for centuries.
Through Miracle Channel’s atellite braodcasts and social media, the gospel of Jesus Christ is this very moment reaching millions of homes in the Arab world with the redemptive message of hope and forgiveness that was won at the cross of Golgotha 2000 years ago.
Here are examples of testimonies and prayers Miracle Channel has recently received:
From Yemen:
Peace and grace be with you. I am your brother. I was a Muslim, but became a Christian and I received Jesus as my personal savior. Now my family suffers from a lot of problems as people figured out that we had become Christians. Family and friends hate us and are causing us trouble. Please pray for me and my family so that the Lord will help us and give us strength. We are being persecuted and hurt. I am the only Christian in my family, but I want nothing else but happiness and safety for them.
From Algeria:
I follow the programs every week and I am very happy. I follow you online at a café because we do not have internet at home. I record the episode, and listen to it at home. Thank you.
From Saudi Arabia:
I am very thankful for your channel and I follow the programs regularly. I accepted Jesus as my personal savior. I know that I am now a child of God but my problem is that I have no safe place to go.
From Sweden:
I would like to thank you for the Channel. It gave me back my faith in Jesus. I was a woman who had lost faith in God for a lot of reasons, but this program talking about God attracted me back to Jesus.
A girl from Algeria:
Thank you for your powerful program and for your Channel. I was very moved by today’s episode about God’s grace and love, and that he loves us enough to give us a free will.
A woman:
I am God’s daughter, and I would really like to thank you for your prayers. I felt His reassuring and peace after a long period of disappointment. Please pray for me because God gave me a promise of a son, and I believe that I will get him this year as 2014 is a year of blessings.
From Algeria:
I am one of the channel’s followers. It has changed my life, I was not a Christian before, but now I am.
From Morocco:
Please help me. I am 23 years old and I am married to a man who is 41. We have been married for 6 month. I have big problems in my marriage and my brother in law raped me. I am so glad that I can keep calling you for help.
Thanks to our Lord and thank you for sister Nora. Her prayers on “God hears your prayer” has helped my dad become better and better. Yesterday, they took him of breathing machines, and he is now at the hospital with special care.
I just want to send you a praise report. Some time ago I sent you an e-mail asking you to pray for me because I had been married three years and did not have a child. I also miscarried twice. I asked you to pray for us so that God could finish His work. Now I want to tell you that God has given us a baby girl that is well and healthy. Thank you for your prayers of protections and blessings upon her life.
From Jordan:
I had a mental disease. I prayed with Dr. Nora on “God hears Your prayer”, and now I am healed and well.
A great channel and has amazing programs. It delivers the truth carefully and respects the others. Greetings to everyone who works there.
Miracle channel broadcasts stories of hope and redemption through faith in Jesus Christ to 400 mill arab speaking viewers every day. Every month about 15 000 viewers will contact our follow up office for counseling and prayer requests. Please support this ministry with a gift today. Thank you!
*illustration photo only