Settling anxieties and receiving Christ
October 25, 2023
Ammar from Iraq: “Militias” had been going after me since a “dream” that transformed my life!
November 9, 2023My name is Ibtisam. I am a 19-year-old Moroccan young woman. I once reached out to the page of “Miracle North Africa”. I had the chance to express my thoughts that I used to fear the future. The counselor began to talk to me sharing some tips about how to handle my fear. She elaborated more how the future is secured in God’s hand the Almighty. Later, she shared with me what Jesus Christ has said about caring for tomorrow, as He said, “not to care for tomorrow, for tomorrow will it care for itself.” Such promises brough peace and comfort. Then she began to describe how Jesus Christ came in the form of men to secure the safety of our souls, and mind. And how he is compassionate about those he suffers. He willingly went to the cross to pay for our sins and to save us from eternal perishing. After some time, God dealt with my heart, and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.