Surfing my Facebook led me to know Jesus Christ closely
September 4, 2022
I used to have a negative self-image, but Jesus helped me see how beautiful I am.
September 4, 2022My name is Muhammad. I am a 29-year-old Moroccan man. I live in the town of Ifrane. I’m married with one child. I knew Jesus Christ because I was in contact with the Miracle team a long time ago. At that time, I received a copy of the Bible. My interest in Christianity leads me to believe that it cannot be a man-made religion. I was taught from a young age that Christians distorted and falsified the Word of God in order to align it with their sentiment. On the contrary, when I read the Bible, I discovered that it forbids adultery and the drinking of alcohol and urges all people to follow the way of holiness.
I always felt like God was so far away within the context of my ex-religion and its culture that I just went through the motions of worshipping Him, with no profound and genuine relationship. So, I had the impression that God exists only in heaven. However, reading the Bible challenged my beliefs because I discovered that God is so close to man that he came to earth to be with his people and sacrifice Himself for the entire world. What a wonderful God who is so great.
When I first saw Jesus Film on Miracle’s page, I thought to myself, “the film depicts us a simple glimpse of Jesus life, so how great was the real life of Jesus Christ, sure his love would have been astonishing.” Now, I am involved in a continuous discipleship with Miracle’s team to learn more about Jesus and the principles of the Christian faith.