Prohibited Questions lead 760 Arab youth to Christ
May 5, 2015
A God that is greater than the fear and suffering
September 18, 2015As terrorism and war are ravaging regions across the Arab world, Muslims are turning to Christ. Among Miracle Channel’s viewers who became followers of Jesus in April were these five Muslims from Libya, Saudi Arabia and Egypt:
Fathy from Libya decided to follow Jesus after watching two of Miracle Channel’s Arabic television programs called “God hears our prayer” and “Questions about the Christian faith”. Fathy had many questions. But during the two-hour long conversation with our follow-up offide he asked how he could become a follower of Jesus. Through prayer he dedicated his life to Jesus. Four hours later Fathy called back to say that he felt great joy and peace after the prayer. He also wanted to know if there was a local group he could join to study the Bible and meet other followers of Jesus.
Hassam from Egypt had already decided to ask for prayer to follow Jesus when he called Miracle Channel’s follow-up office. He said he had watched our programs over a long period of time and was convinced that Jesus was the answer for him. He is now being discipled.
Mohamed from Egypt called after watching Miracle Channel’s programs “God hears our prayers” and “Questions about the Christian Faith”. He told us that he had an accident where he felt he was divinely protected. He had many questions about the Christian faith. After an in-depth conversation, he decided to follow Jesus. He is now joining a discipleship group to learn more about Jesus.
Awad is another Muslim from Egypt. He also took contact with Miracle Channel and accepted Jesus after talking to a counselor. He requested a Bible and asked to be discipled in his new faith.
Mustafa from Saudi Arabia called Miracle Channel in April. He accepted Jesus as his Savior during his initial phone call. Now his greatest desire is to be baptized and find other believers to have fellowship with.
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Miracle Channel broadcasts the gospel daily to an audience of 400 million Arabs in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf and across North Africa. Every day Muslims and nominal Christians call us with questions about Jesus. An increasing number of viewers become followers of Jesus as they hear the amazing grace of the gospel.
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*all names are changed
*Illustration photo onl