Radio Miracle
September 28, 2021
The Starting Point
October 18, 2021It’s wonderful to be able to share with you a recent answer to prayer…
Over the summer, we saw a marked increase in the number of enquiries from seekers in Morocco. This was such great news, but we desperately needed more Moroccan team members to handle these enquiries.
We prayed and the Lord answered with the addition of two new people, joining our faithful team. They enabled us to respond to people’s questions with greater speed and in their own dialect, making it so much easier to communicate.
The results have been amazing: 8 professions of faith in August and 12 in September—20 new Moroccan brothers and sisters in Christ, and certainly more to come!
Please join us in praising and thanking the Lord, whose timing is always perfect.

The church in Morocco
Morocco is a beautiful, vibrant country, with a small number of believers in almost every major town or city. We thank God that He is drawing people to Himself. We pray that some of these new believers will emerge as leaders, as we disciple them according to God’s heart.
Hunger for God
Ilyas* is one of the above twenty. He grew up in a very religious home, but abandoned the beliefs of his parents and for a while turned to atheism. This wasn’t enough, though. He says, ‘There came a time when my hunger and passion for knowing God intensified.’

Ilyas was drawn to Christianity because it resonated more with him than any other religion. He was attracted to the person of Christ, though he still had many questions about suffering, the Trinity and sin.
‘I thank God for putting Miracle Connect’s Facebook page in front of me,’ says Ilyas. ‘They answered all my questions with intelligence and rationality.’
Ilyas felt comfortable talking with our team, so he asked us to tell him about prayer, then prayed to accept Jesus in his life. He continues to keep in touch, and we encourage him to deepen his faith through studying the Word and prayer.
Making a donation
Please consider making a donation today to help cover the cost of our valuable follow-up team.
*Name changed to protect identity