142 357 viewers contacted Miracle Channel in 2011!
December 8, 2011
Miracle Channel now on Smartphones!
January 6, 2012More than 2000 years since his birth, Jesus is still impacting lives in the Middle East and North Africa. Here are some of the stories.
Satellitte television, the internet and social networks are imparting the spirit of hope, joy and renewed faith to thousands of viewers across the Arab world. And rarely has the good news of the gospel been as timely as now.
While promoting equality, the gospel offers hope, it instills justice and satisfies spiritual hunger. This is the message Miracle Channel broadcasts ever hour of every day to this entire region. Many Arabs had their hope crushed after the rise of radical Islam in countries where young people sacrificed their lives for democracy during the early stages of the Arab spring. That is also why it is like a special Christmas miracle to read the letters Muslim viewers are writing us at this time.
From Algeria:
”Thank you so much for this blessed channel that changed my life completely. I thought that I knew God and that I worshiped him, but I realized that the only way to God is through Jesus. Now I have accepted Jesus Christ in my life through you and I want to know more about Him, please help me with this.”
From Egypt:
”About 6 years ago when I was a Moslem I met a Christian man and I wanted to convert him to Islam. But when I discussed religious issues with him I discovered that I didn’t really know anything about Christianity except the wrong things that Muslims know. So I decided to read the Bible to be able to talk to him. After I read the Bible several times I discovered that I was deceived and that Jesus is the truth and the way. I really thank you from my heart for Miracle Channel. You helped strengthen my faith in Jesus and taught me the Christian principles through the New Life lessons that you sent me.”
From the Emirates:
”Thank you for Miracle Channel as it opened my heart to Jesus. I was blind because I thought I was right and that the right way is Islam. But after a lot of study and discussions with you on the internet I am really convinced that Jesus is the truth and He is the word of God … thank you.”
A Yemeni living in Saudi Arabia:
”I am a Yemeni person who works in Saudi Arabia. I became a Christian 4 years ago. This happened because I watched the Jesus movie on Miracle Channel. When I listened to Jesus’ sermon on the mountain I was really astonished that Christianity has all this share of forgiveness and grace! I decided to study Christianity, and I am completely convinced that Christ is the only way and the truth, who forgives, gives mercy and love. I write this message because there are many youths who become Christians through you. But now I really suffer physiological pressure from everyone around me. My Muslim friends asked why I didn’t go to prayer in the mosque anymore or fast, and I implied to them that I had become a Christian. Then one of them threatened me and told me that it is permitted to kill me, that I am now godless and that I could be killed any time. I told him I am not Godless but I have learned the truth and I now I follow it. But my family and friends humiliate and harass me all the time, so to get some peace I am obliged to go to the Mosque so that things can calm down a bit. If they really believe I follow Jesus they will kill me here in Saudi Arabia or Yemen. Please pray for me and for every new believer in Jesus Christ. God bless you.”
From Jordan:
”I am a Muslim person who lives in the Derouz area … I was really touched by Jesus teachings by watching Miracle Channel. I have now a real longing to know Jesus Christ deeply and I have a desire to ask for the New Life lessons and the Bible.”
Please give the Arab people a special christmas gift by making a donation to Miracle Channel to support the broadcasting of the good news of Jesus Christ in Arabic.