More than 6000 Facebook friends in five weeks!
November 8, 2011A Christmas Miracle across the Arab world
December 20, 2011In 2011 we received a total of 142 357 responses from 45 countries. At least 70 percent of these come from Muslims who are inquiring about the Christian faith.
These numbers are nothing short of a miracle considering the Arab uprising and a severe crackdown on new believers. In countries such as Tunisia a person can risk up to 17 years in jail for wearing a Christian symbol. Yet at least 70 percent of our responses come from Muslims. A large number of them ask for prayer and counseling, but many also call us to say that they want to follow Christ after watching our channel for some time. Our follow-up office also sends several hundred Arabic bibles every month to viewers who request one.
Here’s what some of our viewers told us in December:
From Kuwait:
My wife and I watch Miracle Channel. For us it is the joy channel which God used to answer our prayers. We were married three years ago and it was a grief to us that we did not get any children. But two months ago we were praying with you in the program “God hears our prayers”, and he listened and answered our prayer. Thank you!
From Egypt:
“I thank you for Miracle Channel and its good and beneficial programs. Miracle Channel led me to Jesus this year … I thank you from my heart. Happy New Year.”
From Morocco:
“I don’t know anything about Christianity and I did not read your Bible because it is not available to me. I heard that you believe that Sayedna Eissa (Jesus Christ) is the son of God?? What is your faith about? Please tell be about your religion. Thank you. “
From Germany:
“By chance I was watching a TV program about Jesus on December the 6th of 2011 and I was really surprised and astonished. It touched my heart and mind, especially the birth of Jesus Christ … I am a Muslim and I had confusing notions about Jesus Christ. But now I thank Miracle Channel for what I discovered. Please send me the Bible and the New Life lessons.”
From Egypt:
“The first time I watched Miracle Channel frankly I didn’t like it. But then I started watching all the programs on it, and now I cannot stop watching and I became addicted to it … thank you and Happy New Year!”
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