Nada: The teachings of Christ motivated me to learn more about Him.
January 30, 2023
Jesus is the only one who can take my pain away.
January 30, 2023My name is Yousef, and I’m from Algeria. I am 28 years old. I had heard a lot about Jesus’ wonderful teachings. I explored a few of them. I expressed my willingness to be converted to Christianity to those in charge of the “North Africa” page. They began to introduce Jesus to me, explaining how and why in Jesus God was incarnate, and became a man like us. They talked about the redemption story from the beginning to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. I am now totally convinced that Jesus Christ is “God”. They prayed with me that I would accept Jesus into my heart, and I did. Now I want to join a church in my neighborhood so that I can receive spiritual mentoring from someone who can guide me to become a true disciple of Jesus.