Arab family touched by Jesus
October 16, 2015
Helping families reach their dreams
December 18, 2015Many of Miracle Channel’s viewers in the Arab world have a great hunger for more of Jesus. Read some of the amazing responses from viewers this fall.
Dreams and visions of Jesus are a well documtented phenomena across the Middle East and North Africa. These dreams and visions are usually the start of a spiritual journey towards a saving relationship with Jesus. Kamel requested a Bible that he is now studying with our follow-up office to see if he can learn the meaning of his dreams.
Faissel from another North African country called with some special news. He said that ten people in his neighborhood are meeting every night to talk about the programs they are watching on Miracle Channel. They asked for a Bible and if someone could come and teach them more about Jesus!
Abou called to say that he heard about Jesus through Miracle Channel. He explained that he had no prior knowledge of Jesus and the Bible. Now he would like to know more about Christ and his teachings.
Other Miracle viewers call to report answered prayers in Jesus name.
“The peace and grace of Christ be with you. I thank you from my heart for your prayers for my husband. Our Heavenly Father responded to your prayers and my husband is doing well after open heart surgery. All his arteries are open and the muscle of his heart is normal.”
Nermine wrote us to say that her greatest sorrow in life was not being able to bear children. She asked the hosts on the program “God hears your prayers” to pray for her and her husband. Now she joyfully reports that they are expecting their first child.
Yassin, another viewer, writes how the program “Questions about the Christian Faith” influenced his spiritual walk:
“This television series is a magnificent lesson in historical facts due to the vast knowledge of the people presenting the program. I was so impressed by the free thought and speech on the program. Also that you do not feel threatened by difficult or challenging questions from viewers. After watching these programs I have become a believer in Christ.”
And Rashid told us how the programs had influenced some major choices in his life:
“I used to work with the national guard in my country, but because of the troubles and civil war I decided to quit my job. I want to follow the right way and to live in peace with God.”
Miracle Channel was able to share about God’s grace and redemption that is available to Rashid through Jesus Christ. Rashid received the good news of the gospel with a joyful heart and in now studying the Bible with believers in his own city.
Miracle Channel started broadcasting to the Arab world 18 years ago. As a result, countless viewers in some of the most unreached countries in the world have had a chance to hear the gospel and receive the gift of salvation. You can make a real difference in someone’s life today by making a donation to Miracle Channel’s ministry. Thank you for your support and prayers.*all names are changed
More stories about encounters with Jesus in the Arab world:
“Muslim met Jesus in Jerusalem”
“Dreams and Visions that are changing lives”