Modelling house churches on air
July 6, 2018
Celebrating our new organization!
August 31, 2018Modern Middle Eastern people are gaining new understanding of the Biblical metaphors by visual examples from real life.
Silvia Hosni brings new life to the metaphors of the Bible through a new Bible series on Miracle Connect.
-Many of the illustrations Jesus used came from rural life and have lost their meaning for todays urban generations, says Sylvia, the host of this TV-series.
-As an example, we will ask a local farmer how they plant a field and what the seed does. Or how they prune a fruit orchard. Or we will visit a shepherd to see how he tends the sheep. We asked one woman to bake bread with yeast, and one bread without yeast, to visualize what Jesus meant when he compared the Kingdom of Heaven to leaven. Most of these farmers happen to be Muslims, and it was astounding to see how they reacted when they were explained the spiritual truth behind these activities that they do every day. They understood the truth of the Bible, and we could see how excited they were!
The TV-series consists of 20 half-hour weekly episodes that will start broadcasting in September. Please pray that our viewers will find Jesus through the spiritual truths that are revealed for them.
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