Heba: God does not lurk around us, nor does He stand against us with a rod.
January 30, 2023
Salvation is a progressive yet a compelling story:
January 30, 2023I am a 29-year-old Morccon man. My name is Waleed. I live in Tangier, Morocco. In a Motor Company, I am in responsible of a German project. I learned about Christianity as a belief through business meetings, events, and Christmas celebrations. During these occasions, I would listen to Christmas carols that depicted the birth of Jesus. On other occasions, I would listen to other resurrection songs. I liked these songs, but I wasn’t interested in going any further than that. I was browsing Facebook when I came across an advertisement for watching Jesus Film, which I did. From that point forward, I began to delve deeper into my quest to know Jesus. In the beginning, I was not the type of person who paid more attention to religious matters. Given that I grew up in an open-minded family, I regard Islam as nothing more than a heritage. After watching Jesus Film, I became obsessed with discovering the truth. I started watching more YouTube channels. And I watched a program on Miracle’s satellite about God being a spirit who incarnated and came in our flesh. At the end of this program, a Moroccan phone number is displayed on the screen for communication. I contacted the Counselor, and we had numerous lengthy conversations. These discussions culminated in my acceptance of Jesus as my Lord and Savior.