Salah is 19 years old from Egypt
August 12, 2021
Lojin, 16 years old from Tunisia
August 12, 2021Salma, a sensitive Iraqi lady who felt refused by people, saw how her life changed when she found containment and answered her questions.
I am a very kind and sensitive person. I treat everyone with great love and tenderness, but I do not reciprocate the same love back to me. Over time, I grew tired of that, and I started to make up things that were not true. I found the possibility of help from Miracle Connect. Although I feared being ridiculed, I found containment and answers to my questions. I learned about the ransom He offered me. I asked about the validity of this information, and I got it through verses from the Bible. I raised my hands towards heaven, and I prayed with them. I accepted Christ as the Saviour of my life. I got a link to the Bible, and I am now on a journey to understand my new identity.