Karam from Palestine: I left everything and accepted Christ!
November 9, 2023
Mary from Egypt: The shy turned courageous after finding out the truth!
November 9, 2023Intolerance against women in my culture made me a non-religious!
My name is Nour from Saudi Arabia. Actually, my country’s inherited attitudes and thoughts about women are extremely severe, irrational, and closed-minded, which is why I abandoned my prior faith. For a while, I was non-religious. I was following Tik-Tok pages and came across a live conversation on the page of “Maseehi- a Christian” on one occasion. I had no trust in any religion or creed, and I mocked the Christian faith as well. I don’t care what these folks write or say in live chat. soon the counselling sister who oversees the discussion wrote a Christology, which led me to talk to her improperly, which she met kindly and calmly.
Later, I questioned her how she could dare to declare that Christ is God or the Son of God. She advised me that the simplest and clearest way to get to know Christ is to download and study the Bible. She suggested that I begin with the Gospel of Matthew, particularly the portions of the Sermon on the Mount, and then move on to the Gospel of John. So I requested her to talk privately first, then over WhatsApp. Actually, she was a really nice person who endured my demeanor. We chatted for a long time, and I bombarded her with questions and concerns, but nothing was in vain. Jesus opened my eyes. Indeed, with the certainty that He is God manifested in the flesh, I invited her to pray with me for to accept Jesus as my Savior. I started learning the basic principles of Christianity and joined a lovely discipleship group with this blessed sister.