“Please do not ever stop; it is our source of hope and joy.”
September 8, 2011
What Muslims wants to know about Christians
September 21, 2011An entire family from Algeria receives Jesus as their savior. A secret believer in Yemen asks for prayer, and a new witness in Tunisia is courageously witnessing about his faith. Together with thousands of other viewers their first encounter with Christ came by watching Miracle Channel.
-My wife and I are so grateful for this channel that opened our eyes for Jesus Christ. Now we know the way to God. We deeply admire Jesus and his valuable teaching. We want to live for Christ, writes one of Miracle Channel’s viewers this summer in a letter to IWM’s Arabic satellite channel. This couple from Algeria is among thousands of Arab television viewers who contact us every month after watching our programs. Here is a short selection of some of our recent responses:
Secret believer in Yemen:
Please pray for what is now happening in Yemen. We are secret believers, and I mean that no one, absolutely no one, knows about us. We are praying for religious freedom in our country so we can worship Jesus openly.
Syrian woman in France:
I am a woman from Syria living in France. We watch your channel almost daily. I decided to write you a letter to thank you for all your programs. They are like rich meals for our souls that help us get a close relationship with God, as well as encouraging our hearts. Please pray for our country that is suffering greatly at this time.
Joyful viewer in Morocco:
My dear brothers from Miracle Channel, I live in a small village in Morocco and I have many problems. But today I got very happy when I watched Miracle Channel and I felt peace. Could you pray for me to Jesus Christ? I want to give my life and my soul to God so I can get a new life that is full of hope and love.
From a Muslim friend:
I am a loyal friend of Miracle Channel. I am a Muslim and I don’t doubt my own religion, but I have nothing against learning more about Christianity through your correspondence course. I would also like an Arabic bible. To be honest I am very confused regarding the bible. The reason why I write you is that I feel such a deep emptiness inside of me. Please help me.
Courageous witness in Tunisia:
It was like an explosion inside of me when I started watching Miracle Channel. All my questions were answered, and suddenly I understood that the Christians did not worship three Gods, but that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are one and the same. I was changed from a person who was always confused about the religious questions to one who is confidently and boldly sharing my faith. I have no more fear, but I was arrested by the police. They could not threaten me into silence, and now a big court case is scheduled for me. This is a trial mixed with tears and blessings, but I want to encourage Miracle Channel to continue. Please pray for me and that thousands of others in Tunisia might also learn to know Jesus Christ.
Reaching Mecca for 45 dollars!
For only 45 dollars a month you can now sponsor 30 minutes of satellite time at real cost.
Miracle Channel is now offering you the opportunity to reach millions of Arabic speaking people with the gospel of Jesus Christ by sponsoring your very own half hour of satellite time on Miracle Channel. With a strong focus on discipling new Arab believers while providing them with good programs, we are trying to free up funds that would normally be used to purchase our satellite time. As a result we have gone through our numbers and discovered that if we divide our yearly satellite fees by minutes, we are able to offer you the opportunity to sponsor 30 minutes of satellite time on our channel at real cost for only 45 dollars! In fact you will be sponsoring the transmission on two satellites at the same time, both Hotbird and NileSat, reaching an even larger footprint than a single satellite can provide.
But even more importantly, Miracle Channel reaches into areas where it is impossible to gain access in person, such as Mecca in Saudi Arabia. No individual who is not a Muslim is allowed to enter Islam’s most holy city. But Miracle Channel is receiving calls from viewers living in Mecca who have accepted Jesus after watching the channel! Without satellite television they would never have had an opportunity to hear the gospel.
If you would like to help us over the coming months by sponsoring 30 minutes of satellite time for 45 dollars or up to $ 2,160.00 for a whole day of programming, please make a donation at our secure donor site on miraclechannel.net You are free to contact us anytime for more information on [email protected]