Dreams and Visions that are changing lives
March 20, 2015
Prohibited Questions lead 760 Arab youth to Christ
May 5, 2015A new television series on Miracle Channel is helping Arabs recover from personality challenges by shedding light on what makes a sound mind.
-Many people in the Arab world, whether they are Christians or Muslims, still believe that if they are just religious enough or pray enough, any problem can go away. Much of the Arab world is still psychologically illiterate and does not know that they can get help for many of their struggles, that there is sound help based on science, the same as when we need to see a doctor for a medical problem, says our host Nawal.
-We identify root causes of problems that can help grow character and spiritual health.
Nawal has hosted a number of television programs on Miracle Channel and has become a trusted and reliable friend for many of our viewers. Educated as a pharmacist, Nawal went through some challenges of her own about 15 years ago. She suffered from depression and the pressure of raising three children. She sought help and was amazed when she was provided with tools that turned her life around. This intrigued her so much that she became a trained therapist and counsels her own patients today.
-Today I lecture at different places in Egypt and teach the Recovery Curriculum. This is a program that was introduced to Egypt by Christian organizations about 20 years ago. This program moved into the secular world as it is based on the universal laws of human nature that work no matter what your background is. But the principles are biblical, she upholds.
She is in fact to popular with both our Muslim and Christian audience that is was enough to simply call the program hashtag Nawal. The new TV-series goes live to air once a week. Each week a special topic is introduced, and the viewers are invited to call in with questions.
-The audience asks surprisingly deep, personal and very serious questions, Nawal adds.
-And both Christians and Muslims are calling. What surprised me though is that we are also breaking several cultural barriers. It is not common for men in our Arab culture to ask women for answers, and particularly not for Muslim men, as women have a much lower standing in their culture. So when a Muslim man called in to ask me a question on our first show, it says much about the level of trust and influence we have with our audience.
Nawal believes there is a great need for a program that deals with the softer side of mental health issues. Often there are simple tools that can change their way of thinking. But if they don’t get help, it can lead to a very dysfunctional life.
-We give them steps that can help people recover from their past, character weaknesses, fear, sexual and intimacy challenges. We are showing people that there is no shame in seeking help. The shame issue in mental health is a huge cultural barrier that keeps people from seeking help for their problems, says Nawal.
-And some problems can easily be solved, there is a lot of ignorance that leave people to suffer for years because the issues may be shame-based and keeping them from getting help.
Nawal adds that in many villages and areas of the Arab region, professional help would not be available either.
-That is also why it is so good to do this kind of program on air. We are getting information to them that is not available in their local environment.
-I talked to a Syrian follower of the program on Facebook today. She was very happy for the programs and needed advice about some issues. She says the program is all she has of information.
-And yesterday a veiled Muslim woman came to see me in my office. She had done a lot of thinking, and she was talking about God like a Christian does. She understood that God is a good and personal God, and I could encourage her in this discovery.
-This program and what we teach is beneficial to both Christians and Muslims. The Christian culture has been influenced by the Muslim culture in our region, and many have a very wrong fear of God, and this causes many problems in their lives. Many carry an unnecessary burden of guilt that we can help them with. This is like many hours of therapy compressed into one program.
Miracle Channel is a 24 hour Arabic satellite channel that broadcasts the good news of Jesus Christ . Please support this ministry with a donation today. Every gift makes a difference!
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