I accepted Jesus through watching Miracle Channel. The journey of discipleship and Bible study changed my life.
Before I knew Jesus, I had been gripped by fear. Now, I feel secure and life in peace, knowing that I will one day be with Him in heaven.
My family have been harsh and angry with me since I stopped performing the religious rituals they keep. This made me consider running away from home, but I am still young and have no place to go.
I shared these difficulties with the Miracle team. The responder guided me to follow Jesus’ example of loving others. She said this would have an impact on the lives of those around me and it did. My family have commented that my behavior is better than those who pray a lot!
I am so grateful to the responder, who always remembers to ask about my life. She has helped me to fix my eyes on God and no one else. I am so glad for this relationship and for knowing the true God in my everyday life.