Retired policeman finds Jesus in Algerian village
September 28, 2014
Muslim met Jesus in Jerusalem
November 18, 2014Muslims are following Jesus focused television programs on a daily basis.
One caller live on air, Abdullah*, used the opportunity to confess his new faith in Jesus Christ:
“I am calling you on air now, and my name is Abdullah. I am testifying in front of everyone on air and the world that I am a Muslim, but I witness to God that Jesus’ death and resurrection are the truth. Jesus came to me in a dream, which is how I am sure. I am calling on my Muslim brothers to think about the truth. Thank you for this program.”
Miracle Channel has one program in particular that deals with typical questions many Muslims may have about the Bible. The program is simply called “Questions about the Christian Faith”. This program has a large following of faithful viewers that follow the program and the topics from week to week. The questions the panel of television hosts receives may challenge the authenticity of the Bible, the Trinity, and Jesus as the son of God. But the producer of the program says that as the situation in the Middle East and North Africa has become more critical over the past few years, the questions are getting more challenging as well. Viewers are requesting real answers to real problems. The panel of this program is not afraid to tackle these issues and, as a result, many viewers testify that they now follow Jesus Christ as a result of these programs.
Watch programs on demand on Miracle Channel’s Arabic YouTube Channel
It is also clear that many of the thought provoking questions come from well-educated and intelligent viewers, such as this one from Ahmed:
“I am thankful for this program. I am obviously a Muslim, but I follow this program because it answers important questions that had me confused. Why do you connect the redemption with sin? Isn’t God a forgiving God? I would like an answer, please. Thank you.”
And an Imam had the following comment after following the program series over a period:
“There is something I want to tell you. I like your program because you do not insult Islam, but you discuss with love and respect unlike some other Christian channels that do not have any respect for Muslims. Thank you.”
And this woman also had some good questions about Jesus:
“If God wanted to save humanity through Jesus and his embodiment as you say, why did he wait this long? Why did not he come to earth from the beginning of time? Why did he get embodied as a human and not like an angel? What is the destiny of all the people before Christ? Please answer. Thank you for this program. God bless.”
Miracle Channel has already engaged with over one million Arab viewers this year. If you read Arabic, you can go to the program’s Arab Facebook page and engage in the discussions, where you can also access articles and videos:
More comments:
Abdullfatah: “I wanted to thank you for the program and its idea because it enlightens people. One question, does Jesus have two natures or only one?”
Mohammed: “I have become a follower of Jesus. Jesus does not have to prove his existence because he appears to anyone with faith.”
*all names are changed
Miracle Channel is a 24 hour Arabic satellite channel that broadcasts the good news of Jesus Christ to 400 million viewers. Every single day we hear from viewers in the Middle East, the Gulf countries and North Africa. To be a part of this ministry, please support us with a gift today. Thank you