I can’t get enough of reading the Bible the counselor sent me!
June 27, 2023
Abdelnour from Morocco
July 10, 2023- I saw Jesus in a vision and asked him, “Who are you?!”
I am Mariam from Morocco, I am 26 years old, married for 9 years. My life was destroyed by my abusive husband. One day, I made the decision to get in touch with the page of “With Nawal”, and after sharing my suffering, they shared the Samaritan woman’s story, how Jesus changed her life. They were informed of my non-Christian status. My dream that day of the Virgin Mary giving me something came back to me at that time, and the page’s counsellor told me, “Your conversation with her is not a coincidence. God desires for you to know Him because He loves you.” From that point on, she started telling me a lot about Christ’s love and what He did on the cross to pay for my sin. So, after much prayer, I declared Jesus Christ to be my Lord. Later, I saw him in a vision seated on a throne, and I asked him, “Who are you?” to which he responded, “I am God.” and I am currently engaged in a discipleship journey.