A Berber’s way to Christ
October 19, 2011More than 6000 Facebook friends in five weeks!
November 8, 2011After only a week on air a new youth program connects hundreds of young Muslims and Christians across the Arab world.
Miracle Channel’s new youth series ”Connect with Me” is an instant hit after connecting nearly 2000 arab youth on Facebook after the first episode was aired.
The purpose of this youth series is to launch a series of discussion about topics that are relevant to Arab youths while touching on core values and personal faith stories.
Every episode invites the viewers to share their comments to the topic on a video or through a general comment posted on the program’s Facebook page. Each week the video and comment with the most likes are picked as winners, and the video will be aired on the show the following week. The people who win are invited to bring a friend or their spouse to a camp at either one of two locations. There they will connect with the other winners and participate in fun and character building activities.
From the comments on Facebook it is clear the program has attracted a wide audience of both Muslim and Christian youth. The Muslim and Christian communities in the Arab world are not known to have much interaction. Miracle Channel hopes that this program will build bridges across communities and provide a safe place to share personal values and faith.