Muslim met Jesus in Jerusalem
November 18, 2014
Praying to a God who cares
February 1, 2015“Miracle Channel showed me a life with God I didn’t know about”, says Nadia. She is one of the thousands of Algerians who have heard the good news about Jesus through Miracle Channel.
“I am very grateful that I can call you daily. Your television programs have showed me a life with God that I did not know about. My greatest wish is to get to know Jesus so I can serve Him.”
“I follow your channel, and you prayed for salvation with me over the phone. Now I really appreciate our weekly phone calls where you teach me more about life with God. Could you please pray for my son. He is seriously ill and admitted to the hospital.”
“I watch Miracle Channel every day. This is how I heard about Jesus and received salvation. But my family knows that I have become a follower of Jesus, and they make life very difficult for me. I am not allowed to meet other believers or attend a church. Can you please pray fo me that God will do a miracle in my home and save my family.”
“Thank you that I can call you on a daily basis. You are my only contact with other believers.”
“I am very grateful that I can call you daily. Your television programs have showed me a life with God that I did not know about. My greatest wish is to get to know Jesus so I can serve Him.”
“I watch all your programs on Miracle Channel. Because I am disabled I can’t leave my home. Please pray that I can get a wheelchair. Thank you so much.”
Miracle Channel is an arabic satellite channel that broadcasts the gospel to 400 million Arab viewers 24/7. Please pray for this ministry that reaches thousands of Arab families every day the with gospel. Miracle Channel is made possible by gifts and donations alone. Thank you for any contriubution to Miracle Channel. All gifts and donations are greatly valued