Because of Jesus Christ, I now experience the meaning of joy and liberty.
July 28, 2022
Radio Wow
August 18, 2022I am 21-year-old Iraqi young woman from a non-Christian background. I was totally against the inherited archaic religious view and complicated ancestral legacies. This trajectory has raised especially after I lost my brother during one of the wars in my country, Iraq. This lead to ask more and try to find answers to many questions that came up in my mind about religions. I have been seeking the true God. And after a while I found the True God who drastically changed my life to better. Then I asked to be discipled, and from then, I realized things in different way. I found myself that I have an endless craving for knowledge, and to know Jesus Christ and introduce Him to my family as well. In fact, I talked to one of my relatives about Jesus Christ and the good news that she accepted Him, and I am so grateful to the Lord that he used me.
Later, I talked with my sister about Jesus Christ, and I was astonished that she has accepted Him as well. Thanks be to God. And I am so thankful to the Lord as he seeded the passion inside me to talk to other about Him and bring other to Jesus.
When I navigated the Miracle’s page to continue the way of discipleship. I share my story with the counselor who follows up with me. Through the internet I’ve known a man from Europe. He along with his family were pushing him too hard to leave my country and my family to live with them. They promised to afford my study fees and will protect me from any harmful actions from my family. My mother had threatened me before that she would kill me in case, she knows I have been converted to Christianity. Finally, I decided to stay with my family, I want to win them for Christ, and If I had travelled, I would have lost them forever, and on the other hand I was not quite sure about how serious this man and his family to help me. After a year of confusion and irritation, and after talking to the counselor’s advice, I decided to put an end to that relationship with this man. What have shocked me that he did insult me when I firmly refused to travel out of my country, But I am so thankful to the Lord that I ended this relationship.
Many unregular things happen to me. One day, I heard God’s voice telling me to get in one of the shops around and hand the vendor a booklet I had in my bag. I have never used to do so, and I could not know how to do it, but the voice was too strong to refuse. Finally, I got in and greeted her and handed her the booklet, then she responded and said “I was in desperate need for such booklet” then she thanked me a lot. I was overflowed with joy that I listened to God’s voice.
About 2 years ago, I was studying courses in political science, and I worked hard on getting that achieved. One day God told me to change my field of study to Statistics section! I responded saying, “this is not my dream and I do not like it” but the voice was so clear, and I obeyed the voice. But first I had to talk to the head of the statistics department, and when we were getting to know each other, she knew that I am a Christian and began to ask me to tell her about Jesus Christ. I was thrilled to talk to her about him.
After we finished our meeting, I got out of her office to get to know my colleagues in this department. Most of them were asking me about who is Jesus Christ. It had been a tremendous chance to bring the Good News to those young women. At the time I realized God’s purposes of changing my trajectory of studying. I have been so grateful to his plans he made for me. Now I am continuing my journey of discipleship to know more about Jesus Christ and bring others to know Him. God bless you