Today was my baptism
February 14, 2021The power of prayer
March 21, 2021Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. (Psalm 127:3, NLT)
While it’s a huge blessing to be a parent, it is also very true that parenthood brings many challenges—from nurturing a newborn to surviving those tricky teenage years!
Today there is considerable pressure on parents to raise their children well—often, with the added complication of both parents working and maybe also living apart—all the while making sure their kids are loved, fed, clothed, keeping up with schoolwork, and attending afterschool activities.
Two on a Mission
Launched last month, Two on a Mission is an interactive program tackling the subject of parenting.
Streamed live on social media, satellite television and radio, each hour-long episode features drama, interviews with parents, and discussion with a trained counselor.
As they watch, parents can ask questions, receive practical advice, and be encouraged to make changes that will benefit their families.
Shaped for life
The way we raise our kids shapes them for adult life. The relationship a child has with his or her parents affects their ability to form relationships with others, handle adversity, and navigate a tumultuous world. It also influences their view of God, whom they may come to see as harsh, distant, and uncaring rather than loving and merciful as He truly is.
Wisdom and grace
Please pray for wisdom and grace as we help mothers and fathers navigate the rocky path of parenthood! It’s really important that our audience knows we care about their full life, not just their spiritual one.
Relevant to lives
Our ministry is deliberately holistic, because we know that our Father is interested in individuals’ relationships, physical needs, careers, families, and much more.
People respond positively to programs that are relevant to their lives, but as they engage with our follow up team, trust is built—and this leads to opportunities to point them to the Savior.
Please consider partnering with us in our ministry through prayer and the giving of finances, so that more men and women will learn about the Father’s loving nature.