The tumor that disappeared
November 26, 2013
Illegal refugee for his faith
January 10, 2014As we broadcast the joyful tidings of salvation and peace this Christmas, we know there are countless families and individuals across North Africa and the Middle East who heard the good news about Jesus Christ for the first time in 2013.
Strange dream:
“Hi, I am one of your biggest fans. When I watched Miracle Channel this afternoon I happened to watch the program, Here and Now. I really need to talk to someone. For three or four days I have had the same dream that I cannot explain. In the dream I see a big light in the sky with a voice that says: “I am your savior”, and beside it there is also a book that radiates a strong light. I don’t know what to do so I hope you can help me.”
Libya – only hope:
“A young woman called us from Libya and said that she watched the program called Son of Mary. She says that she watches Miracle Channel regularly, and that the channel feels like her and her sister’s only hope. Both of them have completed their university degree. We asked if they could watch the channel with the rest of their family, but she said no. One day her father and brother caught them watching and they were seriously threatened. She would like prayers for her family.”
Suicide call:
“A suicidal viewer called us one night at 2 am. He said that he was going through very tough circumstances and had tried to end his life on several occasions. He told us that after this phone call he would end his life. But he had watched Miracle Channel and was wondering if he would go to heaven if he killed himself. I asked him to tell me is story, and I listened to him for two entire hours, says the counselor. –When he was done talking I asked if I could pray with him. I saw that he needed God and a solution from him.
The viewer agreed and they prayed that God would enter the situation and give him strength to get through it. The following morning at 10 am this viewer called again. But it was not only him, but his wife and children also on the phone, praising and thanking God for the deliverance of their father and husband. – Jesus really visited this family and gave them peace, strength and renewed hope, says the counselor.
When forgiveness is hard:
“A woman called who asked for help to forgive her husband who had been abusive. He was sorry for what he had done but she found it impossible to forgive him. But after she received Jesus into her life and received forgiveness for herself, she said that it was easier to forgive her husband. Now she called to give thanks for the compassion the channel has for its viewers and for the help she received to find Jesus and a life with him.”New peace:
“This woman had given her life to Jesus, but she still did not have peace in her heart. She started doubting her faith as she was bothered by a bad conscience for the life she had lived before she gave her heart to Jesus. She got advice and prayer and we assured her that Jesus had forgiven her. Her peace returned and she was very grateful for Miracle Channel as she said this is her only source to learn about her life with Jesus, as her husband forbids her to attend church.”
No personal value:
“This was a wife who felt completely worthless. She received guidance and was explained how much God loves her and the value God places on her life. She prayed and received Jesus as her savior, and she receives ongoing follow up. She is growing spiritually and gaining confidence as a person in her everyday life. She is more secure in herself and feels more secure in her marriage.”
Addicted to pornography:
“Ali was addicted to pornography and called us to get help. He is receiving counseling and prayer. He is now at the practicing stage where he keeps away from these websites. He says he is grateful to Miracle Channel who helps him get free from this addiction.”
Received Jesus:
“He called us and said he came from a completely different background. But he kept calling the same counselor until he gradually understood what the gospel is, and he could receive Jesus as his savior. He is now followed up and gets more teaching.”
Soldier wanted to learn about Jesus:
“A soldier called us after watching our youth program, Connect with me, and explained that he wanted to learn more about Jesus. He is now receiving guidance and prayers as he is serving in an army in an Arab country.”
Was scared of the Bible:
“This man called us to say that he really enjoyed the program, Connect with me, and that he owned a Bible. But he had been scared to read it as he had heard that sinners and bad people like Christians would be punished. He had decided to burn his Bible when he happened upon Miracle Channel, and the program where young people talk about their Christian faith without fear. That’s when he got courage to open his Bible and to start reading it. He has contacted us to get help to understand what he is reading, and we pray that God will continue to work in his life.”
Grateful father:
“I am grateful for Miracle Channel’s courage to make the program, Forbidden questions for youth. We as parents sometimes lose touch with our teenagers and it is hard for us to understand what they are going through. We can also be scared of talking to them about certain issues. This program has helped me understand many things.”
Mother healed:
“This woman called to say that she had asked for prayer for her mother who was seriously ill and bedridden. The doctors wanted to do surgery, but after prayer the doctors were not able to find any more signs of disease and were very surprised. We are very grateful for what happened here.”
A new meeting with God:
“An older women called Miracle Channel to say that the channel was a big blessing in her life. She said that she felt she had got a new meeting with God through the programs and now she wanted to pray that God would start working in and through her life to others.”
Good enough for God:
“It was a very powerful message that struck me on the program, Here and Now. I almost started pitying all the people that tell me I am a failure and not good enough. Now I can tell them that it is not they that decide if I am good enough. It is my God that decides this, and I know now that I am good enough for Him!”
Miracle Channel broadcasts the gospel in Arabic to over 400 mill viewers 24 hours a day. If you would like to support this ministry, please make a donation to Miracle Channel today.