Healed mom leads family to Christ
October 25, 2013
For the love of Money
November 18, 2013This is one couples’ story of their desperate desire to have a child. Yet years of infertility treatment brought no results until they decided to trust God for their miracle. This story was first broadcast on Miracle Channel.
I still had problems getting pregnant, so we went to see a different specialist. He discovered that my ovaries were much smaller than average and that I only had 5% chance of getting pregnant without treatment. I was also told that something was wrong with my hormones, so there was very little chance to have a child of our own at all.
My husband tried to comfort me, but I knew that he also wanted children.
All I could think about was the treatment the doctor put me on, which included injections 13-15 times a month. I continued the treatment until February 2004, making it two years. I waited day after day, injection after injection and month after month for positive pregnancy tests, but to no avail. They were all negative. I never got pregnant.
More treatments
Eventually the doctor at the clinic advised me to try artificial insemination. This was the last thing they could offer to help me.
They performed the procedures one after the other, but still no result. They said that after three tries it should work, but I had five procedures with no positive result. We paid all the money we had, we received financial support from our parents and family, but we suffered as we knew it wouldn’t work. After all this they said Inshallah – if God was willing. That got me thinking. Did God really see me? Does God know who much I want a child? I talked to Him. I sought Him. I read the Bible about the miracles He did and I hoped and prayed.
By now both Adel and I were tired mentally and physically. Before the last attempt with the procedure, I said to God that after this surgery, if you provide Adel with the money for the treatments, I know you will help me get a child, but if not, I will just stop the procedures entirely and put it all into your hands. After the surgery, which was not successful, we didn’t get any money, so as promised I stopped the treatment.
New hope
I attended a prayer and fasting conference in March of that year, and there I prayed for strength and patience. Michael, who spoke at the conference, said that Jesus was here, and for all who wanted healing to put their hands on the place they were sick, and God would heal you. I put my hand on my stomach and prayed and prayed. Then I saw Jesus standing with open arms that glowed with a light that filled the entire tent we were in. When I opened my arms, I saw exactly the same thing. This is how strong God’s presence was. Jesus talked to me, He asked me what I wanted, and when I said I wanted to get well, He said I should trust in Him. When I Ieft after the meeting, I told Adel what had happened, and he also believed with me. We had a very strong faith in Jesus.
Kept trusting
After seven months had passed, I started to think that if God wanted to do a miracle, he should do it for a person who deserved it. No me, just a regular person who does many mistakes. Every time I doubted, I prayed and God showed me that His promise was still there. He doesn’t forget.
Adel encouraged me to visit a good Christian doctor who would take some tests to see how I was doing. I agreed. When taking the tests we realized immediately that something with my hormones was still wrong. But two days after the tests, I was supposed to get my monthly period, but it didn’t come. We waited 4-5 days before we went to see a doctor. Seven minutes after the pregnancy test the doctor came out and congratulated us with the baby that was on its way!
Even if we had waited for 5 years, through surgeries, medication, injections and frustration, we got a beautiful girl, Jessie. We see God’s goodness every time we look at her. All our friends said we should try to get another baby right away and not wait. But I trusted God, so I waited.
Two and a half years later I am pregnant with another baby without any artificial assistance, no medication and no more surgeries. God is good!If you would like to support Miracle Channels ministry, please make adonation today