Miracle Connect seeks to nurture new believers in the Middle East and North Africa through follow up, discipleship, and integrating them into the local body of believers.

Strategic Opportunity
The Arabic-speaking communities of the Middle East and North African (MENA) region is one of the largest unreached people groups in the world.
More than 400 million Arabs in 22 nations live in countries where sharing the Good News of Christ is restricted or even illegal.
As multimedia and communication technology create new opportunities, we partner with active local believers to open the doors for the Gospel to reach the Arab world.
In the last decade we have seen hundreds of thousands respond to the Gospel through Miracle Connect. Miracle Connect continues to share the compelling story of Christ through Digital platforms, internet radio and social media platforms.
Strategic focus
We are focused on the most strategic nations in the world in order to reach Arabic-speaking people groups with the least access to the Christian message and Christian resources. We invest our time and resources strategically to maximize our missional impact. We exist to:
- Make the Gospel available to every person in the MENA region, especially those who can’t receive it otherwise.
- Stand with and support the underground church in restricted countries.
- Provide discipleship programs for new believers to help them grow in their faith.