The Christian faith is the only truth that is founded on man’s heart rather than rituals
February 20, 2023
Jesus forgives sins, no matter what they are
February 20, 2023My name is Sarah, I am an Algerian young woman. I was once engaged to a man who was ten years older than me. I’ve never had feelings for him. I did contact Miracle’s page, and they advised me to be honest with my family about my thoughts about my fiancée and to attempt to clear the true situation. I did so, and it was so relieving that my family agreed with me. I was excited at that time. Later, the team sent me a message about God’s love for me, which caught my attention because I’d always wanted to learn more about God’s love for humanity. I was convinced at first that the prophet Mohamad was the only one who was sinless, but eventually I discovered otherwise. Jesus was the only one without sin. He became a human in order to save me. But on the other side of the story, I’ve never heard of God becoming flesh and living among the people. I was so excited that I couldn’t stand any interruptions to learn the conclusion of the story, so I told the counsellor to keep on. I fervently sought to understand Christ and find out the Truth. I spent a lot of time alone in my room, giving up any other occupation I may have had in order to learn more about Jesus. When they asked, I couldn’t help but beg for the Lord Jesus Christ to come into my life and believe in Him. I could never have expressed how happy, excited, and relieved I was at that moment. I could feel something has changed in my inner soul. My heart clanged to the Christ so that I pleaded the counselor not to hold on, but to continue talking about Him. I felt like I was born again. Since then, anytime the counselor is not available to chat to me online, I always left a note urging her to tell me more about Jesus. My heart was on fire inside of me, and as I started reading the Bible she sent me, I could not get enough. As a result, looking forward to further spiritual growth and maturity in my faith, I engaged in the discipleship program.