Helps the destitute women of North Africa
September 20, 2013
“Thank you for helping me find Jesus”
October 15, 2013A teenager in Morocco watches our channel and is convicted by the gospel. He boldly shares his new faith and barely escapes death. Today he ministers to his Muslim community with his wife and two sons.
This is the astonishing letter we recently received from one of our viewers:
“I would like to share with you how I got to know Jesus. I enjoyed watching your channel and communicated with one of the programs regularly. I was then 17 years old and was in high school. There was a subject, Philosophy and Islamic idealism, where I shared my opinion about Jesus being God’s son. This led to the teacher always being mad at me, and I got kicked out of class all the time. Even then, I was full of peace and love for everyone. I was grateful for it. This was highly illegal at the time, and the police started searching for me.
I ended up in difficult situations, one where my family wanted to kill me. God saved me from certain death. I moved to another North African country and got married. We now have two sons in their teens, and have a good relationship with the church. We have friends who tell other people about Jesus together with us, despite how dangerous it is. Please pray that God will be with us and protect us.”
(illustration photo only)
It is not uncommon for Miracle Channel to suddenly hear from viewers who say that the channel was instrumental in their salvation ten or more years ago. As a supporter of this ministry you are directly involved in reaching Muslims with the gospel who would otherwise not hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your donations.