Nour from North Africa
February 17, 2022
Focus on women
March 27, 2022From an early age, I had questions about God. One day, I came across Miracle Connect’s Facebook page and contacted the team to find out more about Jesus Christ. I wanted to know if he was God or not.
Miracle Connect sent me the Bible, encouraged me to read it, and preached the Good News to me. I enjoyed reading the Bible, but I still had a few questions. about Jesus: is he God? What does ‘Son of God’ mean? Has the Gospel been changed or corrupted?
When I received answers to these questions, I told the team it was a shock to find out I’ve been worshipping a false God and following the wrong faith. I then accepted Jesus as my Savior and Redeemer. I can’t explain how relieved I was the moment I prayed that prayer to Him. I had been living a big lie, but the Truth had set me free.
I told my best friend about my faith and asked him to keep in a secret, but he told my family and they tried to persuade me to forget about Christianity. I could not do that, so they asked me to leave. So, at the beginning of my journey with Christ, I was also looking for a new home and a job.
I continued following Jesus and got to know some other Christians in my neighborhood. I began studying the Bible and being discipled by Miracle Connect’s team. They put me in touch with a local Christian leader who has given me lots of support. I am so grateful to the Lord and to all who helped me to know Christ.