My mane is Fateeha, a 21-year-old Moroccan woman. I was familiar of the page through ads promoting “With Nawal” page. After we got to know each other, the counsellor began to tell me that “God loves me with a constant and enduring love.” “Do you want to hear more about what God has done for you to express His love?” she asked.” I agreed right away. She began where Man’s Fall occurred and how atonement is required to restore Man. The redemption was not that clear and difficult to comprehend on my side, so she used a metaphor that resembled the tale of redemption in my own religious background, which was “the festival of Abraham’s sacrifice.” Then she explained what the incarnation is and who Jesus Christ is. I thoroughly understood the concept of redemption and was convinced that He is God who came to our land in flesh. “Do you want to be one of those who have Eternal Life, who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ and had their sins forgiven?” the counsellor then asked. Without hesitation, I received the Lord as my Savior. She prayed with me, and my life has never been the same since.