Illegal refugee for his faith
January 10, 2014
Jesus-seeking Arabs called from 48 countries
February 21, 2014One of our viewers called to tell us a heartbreaking story of sexual abuse through childhood. As he grew older the roles turned and he became the predator.
His initial contact was a text message that asked for prayer for a big problem. The following day we got a call from him explaining that he was a person from Iraq. He said he could not talk about his problem with anyone as he could risk the death penalty.
This is what he told us:
-I am a Shiite but I am very tired and I trust in you (Miracle Channel). My story begins with my childhood. There was one of my relatives who used to molest and torture me sexually all through my childhood. When I grew up I started looking for sex with young men and I started doing what was done to me when I was a child.
– I hated myself, and I felt I became like an animal, not having mercy on anyone. Everywhere and at all times I was wanting sex.
As he was telling his story, he was crying like a child on the phone. He said that as he was looking for sex on television channels, he found Miracle Channel two years ago.
-I started watching. I don’t remember what the program was, but it spoke about people who had miracles in their lives as a result of meeting Jesus. It impacted me greatly to the point of crying, he said.
-The person in the program said that Jesus loved me greatly, but that He didn’t love the sin I commit. I said I wanted this God that can change me. I started watching for a long time, but then the channel stopped appearing in our area.
-But about a week ago, I started getting the Miracle Channel again through NileSat. I found the Miracle Channel. This motivated me to call you so you can encourage me. Please help me.
This viewer kept calling the counselor in our follow up office several times a day . More than five times a day for about 15 minutes each call.
-Now we are in touch with him and pray that he will accept Jesus as his savior, says the counselor.
Sadly we see that victims of sexual abuse can become perpetrators of the very sin that was committed against them, and the circle of abuse continues instead of being broken. But God’s unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ can mend and heal even the most devastating wounds of the heart and soul.
Please help us pray for this viewer who is desperate to get help.Miracle Channel is a satellite channel that broadcasts the gospel to 400 mill. viewers 24 hours a day on NileSat and Hotbird. To support this ministry with a gift, please make a donation today.
*illustration photo only