Abdo, Yemen
October 17, 2022
The spark of interest
November 24, 2022‘Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!’ (1 Chronicles 16:8, ESV)
As the year’s end fast approaches, it is good to make time to reflect and express gratitude to our Father for all that He has done, and continues to do, through the ministry of Miracle Connect.
Back in January, we talked about our goal to establish an online discipleship platform. Praise God that Steps on the Road was launched at the end of the summer, getting off to a flying start! Keep reading for more reasons to be thankful.
We also want to make special mention of those of you who partner with us in prayer and giving, for the significant role you have played in reaching the unreached. Thank you for all you do to keep us on this path.
The spark of interest
Twenty-one-year-old Issam* grew up in the north of Morocco where he followed the majority religion. Though he didn’t really have an interest in any religion, he recalls the name ‘Jesus Christ’ leaving an impression on him.

One day, Issam was browsing the web when he came across a Lebanese program on the history of Christianity. ‘I thoroughly enjoyed the program,’ he says. ‘It sparked an interest in knowing more about the Christian faith.’
Issam got in touch with Miracle Connect’s follow-up team and learned about what Jesus did for him on the cross. He realized that the Lord knows and loves him as an individual.
‘I am so grateful to the team,’ writes Issam, ‘for helping me, step-by-step, to develop a strong, personal relationship with God.
‘I have accepted Jesus as my Savior and I look forward to meeting one of the team face-to-face very soon.’
I want to support Miracle Connect.
Reasons to be thankful
This year, so far, we have engaged with nearly 7 million unique individuals through social media. We have personally counseled almost 33,000 people. At present, 192 have professed faith.
Here are some more things our team gives thanks for…
- God has sent people to our team who serve Him with their whole heart.
- We have felt His hand upon many areas of our ministry, such as the spiritual maturity of our staff and successful implementation of new projects.
- Over the summer, we had an opportunity to go away and spend time together as a team.
- We’ve seen an increase in the number of discipleship groups being formed.
- Our follow-up team has grown to more than 40 individuals.
- The Holy Spirit has been very present in our prayer meetings.
- We have found a new office that we will move into next year.
Please join us in praising our loving Father for these blessings!
*Name changed to protect identity