The seeker’s journey
June 29, 2021
Nagwa from Algeria
August 12, 2021Around 60 per cent of people in North Africa and the Middle East are under the age of 25. This is a huge number–more than 250 million individuals.
Of course, many of these are children, but a good number will be young adults who are switched on and—just like their Western counterparts—living much of their lives online. They seek out and engage with content that builds on their values, and this influences their behavior and beliefs.
The External Influence
With all this in mind, we felt it was right for Miracle Connect to develop a new program that addresses the issues and challenges young people face—all from a Christian viewpoint.
The External Influence is the name we’ve given to our newly launched youth program: a weekly show aimed at 20–25-year-olds. Topics include freedom, responsibility, self-confidence, and the pressure of social media.
Each show is different, but the aim is to help people know they are not alone and that solutions can be found. This is vital in an age of poor mental health and wellbeing.
Pray that The External Influence will make a powerful impact on all who watch it, reaching more numbers than we’ve seen before.
Please also pray that our follow up team will be ready to support those who get in touch in a loving and relatable manner.
In time my heart opened up
I have been in touch with Miracle Connect for a long time. I used to argue a lot, defending Islam, saying the Bible was corrupt. I did not believe in the divinity of Christ.
The team convinced me to read the Bible, which I did. I had lots of questions, but they were able to answer them and explain the full gospel message.
I was listening carefully, and in time my heart opened up. I accepted the message and gave my life to Christ.
(Jalal*, Morocco)
We continue following up with Jalal, who will very soon be ready to meet someone in person.
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*Name changed to protect identity