Praying to a God who cares
February 1, 2015
#Nawal – lifting the veil from mental health issues
April 1, 2015Since Miracle Channel started broadcasting 18 years ago, we have received numerous stories from viewers telling us they saw Jesus in a dream.
-I have personally documented at least 300 testimonies, and 80 percent of these people saw Jesus in a dream or vision, says Samir, a Lebanese film producer who has done work for Miracle Channel.
The common denominator is that Jesus, or a symbol pointing towards Him, appear in dreams to people who have little or no prior knowledge of Jesus or the Bible. It can take weeks, months or even years before the meaning of the dream becomes clear. But the dream is never forgotten.
An Iranian pastor in a Scandinavian country who works with immigrants from a variety of backgrounds, also confirm these dreams.
“I recently met a woman from Afghanistan who had a dream several years ago where she saw a great light increasing in strength as it illuminated a church. After arriving in Europe she thought about this dream every time she passed a church, and it eventually led her to believers who shared the good news of Jesus Christ with her, says the pastor. Here is a summary of some of the amazing first-hand reports given to Miracle Channel in the past:
“I am calling you on air now, and my name is Abdullah. I am testifying in front of everyone on air and the world that I am a Muslim, but I witness to God that Jesus’ death and resurrection are the truth. Jesus came to me in a dream, which is how I am sure. I am calling on my Muslim brothers to think about the truth. Thank you for this program.”
Voice and light:
“Hi, I am one of your biggest fans. I need to talk to someone. For three or four days, I have had the same dream that I cannot explain. In the dream, I see a big light in the sky with a voice that says: “I am your Savior”, and beside it there is also a book that radiates a strong light. I don’t know what to do, so I hope you can help me.”
Abused boy sees Jesus:
“Who was my father? He was a coldhearted, hard and mean man without grace. He continually told me that it was a mistake that I was born. He used to hit me like an animal with an electric rod while he kept repeating that I was his biggest mistake. He tortured me for the smallest thing. The first time he threw me out of our house I was only eight years old.
In the beginning, a person used to come to me in my dreams to comfort me every time I was beaten. When a Christian family toook me in from the streets, I heard the word “Christ” several times, and somehow I recognized that he was the one who came and comforted me in my dreams. When I was 19 years old I was run over by a car and taken to the hospital. The only ones that came to visit me was the Christian family that I had lived with for a little while as a child. While I stayed with them after the accident, I got to learn more about Jesus, and I am now a follower of Him.“
Saeed, Syria:
“Greetings and love from a young man named Saeed who lives in Damascus in Syria. I am troubled by my Muslim family and living in a Muslim environment, and yet the miracle is that I was truthfully changed by a dream. This dream and different circumstances lead me to become a follower of Jesus.”
Nizar, Saudi Arabia:
A viewer called from Saudi Arabia. He said he became a follower of Jesus through a dream. In the dream, he was in his usual house of worship. But there was only darkness. But when he came out of the building he saw light, brilliant and strong. He came across Miracle Channel’s programs and understood that Jesus is the way and the truth. He understood that he had been transported from darkness into light. He was very happy with his new life. He said he was sure that Jesus is the true Light.
Scholar saw Jesus in dream:
”I was a strict believer who used to study the Sharia Law. But as I studied it I discovered several issues that I didn’t understand. I used to ask my teachers at the Arab University about this, but they couldn’t answer me. Therefore, I decided to go on a pilgrimage to one of our holy sites in 2005 to ask the religious teachers there. But they couldn’t answer my questions either, so when I returned to my home country in North Africa, I turned away from my faith. I found a website where Christians in my country discussed religious issues, and because of my past studies, I decided to help them in their discussions. Then I decided to read the Bible so I also could critic all that was wrong with it. But after I started reading the Bible I saw Jesus come to me in a dream. He said that he is the Annunciation and the fulfillment of the word of God. His words convinced me, and I told others what had happened to me. I started watching Miracle Channel, and now I would also like to learn more about life with God and Jesus.”
Young Muslim woman reports dream:
A 30-year-old Muslim woman called Miracle Channel’s follow-up office to tell us about a dream she had. In her dream, she went into a place like a church. There she saw a big table, full of many rich foods, and she heard a voice calling her several times: “Come in and eat.” She somehow knew that this voice was the voice of Jesus.
In her dream, she didn’t enter, and she didn’t eat because her husband didn’t allow her to come in. She also dreamt she was pregnant, but that she discovered after one month that the baby had died within her.
She told us on the phone that she felt empty in her heart, and asked for a copy of the Holy Book, which she immediately started to read.
Nasirah’s dream:
“My name is Nasirah* and I live in a major city in an Arab country. I was very religious, and I used to pray five times a day. I had also memorized large sections of the Koran. I did all I could to satisfy Allah and earn his favor. But no matter how hard I tried I never had peace inside me and I never had any assurance of salvation. This in turn made me bitter. I did not feel love or compassion for others, and after a while I felt that my life became unbearable.
One day I cried desperately to Allah for help, but I did not get any consolation or answers. That is when I started questioning my faith and God’s existence. I cried to God and asked him to show me if he was real. One night I fell into a deep sleep, and I had a dream. I saw an old crumbling house that was very messy, full of dirt with a terrible smell. Suddenly a man dressed in shining white clothes approached me and gave me a small cross before he disappeared. When I woke up the next morning, I wondered what the cross meant because I knew there was a connection between the cross and Jesus. I did not dare to tell any of my family members or friends about the dream.
After some time, I discovered Miracle Channel on satellite TV, and I started to watch it. Then I understood the good news about Jesus Christ and the meaning of my dream.
My life completely changed, and I am free from all the things that had me bound. Today I love the people around me, and I feel great compassion for all who suffer. All Praise to God who answered my prayer!”
*all names are changed
In 2014 Miracle Channel engaged with 2,3 million viewers through personal follow-up, social media and our YouTube Channel. Viewers all across North Africa and the Middle East are are searching for spiritual truth as the world around them is collapsing. Today Miracle Channel broadcasts the gospel 24 hours every day to 400 million arab speaking viewers. Please join usthrough prayer and by supporting us with a gift today. Every gift makes a difference!
If you are Arab speaking and have inquiries about the Christian faith, please visit our Arab-language website at www.miraclechannel.com