After three visits by Jesus, a woman accepted Him
June 6, 2023
When I saw the difference He made in the lives of others I decided to invite Jesus into my life
June 27, 2023Every time I see a news announcement of a disturbing event in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) I find myself reverting back to the thought that catapulted this ministry: “this region needs Jesus!”.
As this past month has shown us ‒ with violent conflicts in Sudan, bombings in other parts of the MENA, and women continuing to be persecuted for speaking out in Iran ‒ it is as evident as ever that next to bringing hope to the MENA, we must also bring Christ-mindedness.
Christ-minded change through discipleship; through teachings that pave the path to becoming more Christ-like ‒ to think and act with love as our Lord Jesus Christ. For it is only by bringing peace inside the hearts and minds of the people of the region, that we will see peace reflected on the outside.
Over the past ten months, here at Miracle Connect we’ve strived and reached more than a few milestones in the area of discipleship; from the creation of twenty-two discipleship teaching groups to individual follow-up with viewers, to expanding our social media presence with more than 370 short videos on TikTok that share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Have a look at the below infographic for a full picture of how far God has taken us in the past ten months.
Discipleship accomplishments

Making an impact, however, does come with a few hurdles. The challenges we have faced are:
● Lack of internet access in some countries.
● Finding new teachers for our TikTok ministry.
● Ability to provide 24/7 teamwork ministering on TikTok.
● The mobile application we use to communicate with viewers does not work in some countries.
Despite these challenges we continue to see profound impact in the lives of people in the MENA region. This is evident by the testimonies we receive daily ‒ such as the story below shared by Sarah.

Hungry for Christ
Sarah, a young girl from Algeria, contacted Miracle Connect after feeling troubled about being engaged to a man 10 years her senior which she did not want to marry. Sarah did not know how to share her worries with her own family.
“When I contacted Miracle Connect the counselor advised me to be honest with my family. I was relieved that they agreed with me.
The Miracle Connect team later sent me a message about God’s love for me. This made me curious to know more. I stopped all my other activities and stayed in my room learning about Jesus.”
Sarah hungered to know Christ more, so when the Miracle Connect counselor asked her if she would like to give her life to Jesus, she was beyond thrilled for the Lord Jesus Christ to come into her life.
“I cannot describe how happy and relieved I felt at that moment. I could feel something changing in my inner soul. I felt like I was born again.”
Sarah then joined the discipleship program.
“I can’t get enough of reading the Bible the counselor sent me!”
I want to support discipleship in the MENA
Please pray
Join us in prayer for Christ-minded change through discipleship. Pray for:
● Divine meetings with many seekers for sharing the Gospel, the love of Jesus Christ, and His peace that surpasses all understanding.
● New believers to be strengthened in their new faith through our support and discipleship curriculum.
● The expansion of the small discipleship groups.
● Our new online church, Bridges of Light, that God will use this platform to touch the hearts and minds of viewers and to multiply its reach.