Mary from Morocco
July 10, 2023
Hamdi from Morocco
July 10, 2023Christ “solved” the problem of the (human) self being inclined to evil, My name is Abdelnour from Morocco, I am 33 years old. Why are there four Gospels, I wondered? After further investigation and scrutiny, I learned that there is only one Gospel (the Good News), but that its narrators are more than one person. As I read the gospels online, I came to the tale of the Pharisee and the tax collector, I concluded that we must purge the evil soul to be able to approach God. However, in my correspondence with the Miracle’s page, I discovered it was not because of us, but that the answer was God Himself, who took on human form through the Virgin Mary to give us a new nature through His death and resurrection. In fact, I accepted Christ as my Savior, I’ve learned the proper way to pray, and I’m currently reading and studying the Bible.