Arabs are searching for a living relationship with God:
September 12, 2019
Transforming Lives
November 13, 2019Miracle Connect is reaching out to those who are struggling. We tell them their story is worth being heard.
Men and women are learning that God is not the source of their suffering. In fact, He says He is ‘close to the brokenhearted’ and ‘rescues those whose spirits are crushed’ (Psalm 34:18, NLT).
Peace and Assurance
I asked Miracle Connect for help because I suffer from depression and couldn’t overcome it. Many years ago, I was raped by a relative and it was hugely traumatic. I couldn’t come to terms with what happened and I couldn’t tell my family.
Miracle Connect showed me that God loves me and does not wish for me to stay depressed. I wondered how that could be, but then I understood and accepted His unconditional love. I now have peace and assurance.
Supporting Miracle Connect
We thank you for supporting our ministry and helping us to connect with 69,024 Arab people so far this year. The Holy Spirit is doing so much in people’s lives and it’s a blessing to be a part of it.
A gift of just $23 will help us to continue reaching those we love in Christ. This includes more than 223 individuals who have given their lives to Christ in 2019 and 189 who are currently receiving discipleship.