Miracle Connect seeks to nurture new believers in the Middle East and North Africa through follow up, discipleship, and integrating them into the local body of believers.

Genuine Life Transformation

Miracle Connect brings the hope found in Christ to the Arabic-speaking people of the world. Our large team of follow-up workers are available at all times to care, answer questions, and support and disciple new believers.

Please join us in thanksgiving to God for the many people who get to know Him.

Frequently asked questions

What does a journey
to Christ look like?

The journey to Christ can take many roads. It can involve visions and dreams or the testimony of a friend. Often it is a solitary journey that can take years to complete.

In most instances though, Christian Digital platforms and the internet is a significant and decisive factor in their search for spiritual answers that lead them to Jesus, such as for this family from Egypt:

“Thank you for Miracle. Because of your programs, we all want to receive Jesus, including myself, my wife, my children and grandchildren. Please help us to learn more about Jesus and the new life with Him.”

But more than anything, a journey to Christ requires patience. It is not like a traditional crusade in the mission field where you can count thousands of saved after one altar call. Many will diligently pursue answers to their many questions and study the Bible with a mentor before they are ready to make their final decision to follow Jesus.