Juliana’s faith in the Lord resulted in fruit.
September 14, 2024The voice of truth led me to discovering the true faith.
October 16, 2024Celia, a girl from Algeria, really loves the Lord. We’ve walked a long way with her in discipling her, and are still continuing on with her. She truly loves the Lord who is working in her life, and she is growing and developing in her relationship with God. She has a beautiful desire to see the hearts of people around her come to know The Way, The Truth and The Life… and she’s beginning to see that happen.
Celia shared with a girl from Algeria named Summer about The Light and The Truth. This took courage because Summer’s father is an extremist and a fanatic, and would kill her if he found out. Despite this, Summer believed and came to know the truth. After this, Summer was directed to our page where we began a discipleship journey with her. And even with all the difficulties at home, Summer has already begun to share her faith with her sister, who after listening to her, wants to know more. So we are walking with Summer, encouraging her, and teaching her how to guide her sister into discipleship.
She is also currently sharing her faith with her mother. For a while, her mom was very against these new ideas, but last month she started expressing the desire to know more. So Summer began asking her mom questions about her life and encouraging her towards the truth. Her mom answered her and said, “I don’t want to continue in the same old way, and I don’t want my life to end looking like it does now”, and some beautiful things have started happening with her mom.
Also during this time, there was a wounded woman who hurt Summer’s mother. (As the saying goes, “hurt people, hurt people”.) Summer was broken hearted over what happened between this woman and her mother, but she decided to take a different approach towards this woman. Now, this woman fell ill. So, Summer went and visited her at her home, and see how she was doing. And she told the woman, “I forgive you for all the pain you caused.” The woman and her daughter responded, “What a strange person you are! After all that my mom did to your mom, you decide to forgive us?? Why would you do that??” This was the first of many steps Summer began taking in a new and more beautiful direction, one of love and forgiveness.
Lastly, Summer’s fiance has a married friend. This friend is a believer, but his wife was not. When she began to finally know the Truth and the Light from her husband, Summer came and offered her discipleship. She accepted, and they began a discipleship journey together a year ago that continues still till this day. Summer sits and listens to her for hours a day (sometimes even up to 5 hours straight). Sometimes they meet and go out together. And every now and then they will meet on Zoom for encouragement, prayer, and teaching. Summer has been responsible for this girl’s discipleship.